H1-702 2019 - CTF Writeup

My goal for this CTF was to primarily use tools and scripts that I had personally written to complete it. Throughout this challenge I used and extended my personal toolkit extensively. All the proof of concept tools I have produced as a result of this CTF are available in a GitHub Gist.

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Blind SQL injection optimization

In this post I examine techniques and optimizations which can be used to efficiently extract SQL query results from Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities. With the correct techniques and optimizations the majority of SQL query results can be extracted using at most two requests per character in the result string plus two requests for a length check. Under certain conditions results may be able to be extracted using significantly fewer requests.

This post draws together known Blind SQL Injection data extraction techniques and builds upon them in order to reduce the number of requests required to extract query results to the absolute minimum.

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Mozilla Firefox - Information disclosure via Proxy Auto-Config (PAC)

Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) files can specify a JavaScript function called for all URL requests with the full URL path which exposes more information than would be sent to the proxy itself in the case of HTTPS. Normally the Proxy Auto-Config file is specified by the user or machine owner and presumed to be non-malicious, but if a user has enabled Web Proxy Auto Detect (WPAD) this file can be served remotely. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 51.

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